9-10 October 2019
9-10 October 2019
The WaterWorks2014 Final Evaluation Meeting that will take place on 9-10 October 2019 in in Athens, Greece.
The SIM project will present its results.
27 April 2017
The SIM project has been invited for presentation at the conference “IL CONSORZIO E IL SUO TERRITORIO” (The consortium and its territory) organized by Consorzio per la Bonifica della Capitanata (Capitanata Irrigation Consortium) (Foggia – Italy).
The event has been published on a local Italian national newspaper in the Puglia Region for its collaboration with Consorzio per la Bonifica della Capitanata (in italian).
18 May 2016
The kick-off meeting of the 16 funded WaterWorks2014 projects has been held in Rome (Italy).
Here you can download the presentations of all projects