
9-10 October 2019

The WaterWorks2014 Final Evaluation Meeting that will take place on 9-10 October 2019 in in Athens, Greece.

The SIM project will present its results.


-SIM final report

-SIM technical report

24-25 October 2017

The SIM mid-term progress meeting has been held on 24-25 October 2017 in Rome at ANBI (, the italian association of Irrigation Consortia.

26 October 2017

A group of project partners from Politecnico di Milano, RADI-CAS and MMI, visited the Capitanata Irrigation Consortium irrigation network and field monitoring stations.

Shelley Mc Millian from the World Bank joined the group.

27 April 2017

The SIM project has been invited for presentation at the  conference “IL CONSORZIO E IL SUO TERRITORIO” (The consortium and its territory) organized by Consorzio per la Bonifica della Capitanata (Capitanata Irrigation Consortium) (Foggia – Italy).

The event has been published on a local Italian national newspaper in the Puglia Region for its collaboration with Consorzio per la Bonifica della Capitanata (in italian).

19-22 October 2016

The SIM project has been presented at the H2O INTERNATIONAL WATER EXHIBITION Technologies, Treatment Distribution, Sustainability in Bologna (Italy).

16 July 2016

The SIM project kick-off meeting has been done by Skype.

19 May 2016

SIM project objectives and expected results has presented in Zhangye (China) during a meeting between the Heihe water basin authority, and the chinese partner RADI-CAS and the italian partner POLIMI.

18 May 2016

The kick-off meeting of  the 16 funded WaterWorks2014 projects has been held in Rome (Italy).

Here you can download the presentations of all projects